Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth
4 Тело Броня Сокета
Патч 1.10 Runeword
Level 15-21 Thorns Aura When Equipped (varies)
+ 50% Быстрое Восстановление Хита
+25-50% To Poison Skill Damage (varies)
+300 Защита
Увеличение максимальной маны 5%
Регенерация маны 15%
+ 5% к максимальному сопротивлению холоду
Огнестойкость + 30%
Сопротивление Отравлению + 100%
+13 Life After Each Kill
Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33 Charges)
Bramble is basically the equivalent of Fortitude for a poison-based character. The main candidate is the Poison Nova Necromancer which has to choose between the raw damage output of Bramble and the mobility of Enigma. This is a serious consideration since there are very few sources of +% Poison Damage in the game. The only other choices are Trang-Oul�s Claws (+25%) and Poison Rainbow Facets (+5%).
Other niche builds which may benefit from Bramble are Poison Javazons, Rabies Druids and Venom-centric Assassins.
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