
Guia da Vingança Paladino

D2R Items for Sale at the Cheapest Prices

Before people discovered the strengths of Hammerdins, Paladins were mostly played as melee characters, foremost as Convictionist or Zealer Paladin. This guide informs about the convictionist, more precisely the Avenger. Avengers use the combination of the attack skill Vengeance with the combination of the Conviction aura, which dimishes enemy resistances.

No nível 90, temos 101 pontos de habilidade para gastar:
20 Vingança
25 Conviction (including +skills from your gear)
20 Escudo Sagrado
1 Vigor
1 Redenção
14 Habilidades de passagem
Descanse em Resistir ao Fogo, Frio e Raio

Our main skill is vengeance, we max this skill first. Secondly, we start maxing conviction up to level 25.

Por que coloco apenas 25 pontos em condenação?
Conviction lowers the enemy resistances by -5% per point spent, starting at -30% level 1, but caps at -150%. Therefore, it’s not efficient to spend more than 25 points (including +skills from your gear) into conviction as it only lowers the enemies defense further, which is useless to us.

Why do I put points into Resist Fire, Cold, and Lightning?
Putting points in these defensive aura grants you two bonuses. The important one is each hard-set point grants you +10% extra damage to vengeance for this elemental damage.
The other bonus is passive and grants +1 max resistance for every 2 hard-set points into resist fire, cold, and lightning.

Quando eu começo a maximizar o escudo sagrado?
Start by putting 1 point in holy shield at level 24 and start maxing Whenever you feel like you really need it!

Força: Suficiente para usar nosso equipamento
Destreza: Suficiente para atingir o bloco 75% (chance máxima de bloqueio)
Vitalidade: Descanso
Energia: Nenhuma, você aprenderá a broca…

Que tipo de itens precisamos? Tudo com as seguintes estatísticas:
+ Alto dano físico
+ Velocidade de ataque
+ Manaleech & lifeleech
+ Não pode ser congelado
+ Ataque mortal
+ Golpe esmagador
+ Resistências
+ Vida
+ Mana
+ Força
+ Destreza
+ Recuperação mais rápida de ocorrências

Elaboração do orçamento:
• capacete de vampiro
• 3 socketed elite armor with Duress runeword – Shael Um Thul
• Lâmina de fase sabre de luz
• 3 socketed paladin shield with 45@ + Sanctuary runeword Ko Ko Mal
• Cordão de orelhas Cinto
• Amuleto de olho de gato
• Anel Raven Frost
• Rare ring with stats you’re missing (manaleech / lifeleech + adds you can get)
• Botas rasgadas
• luvas punhos de sangue

This build is super cheap, but it will do the trick! Vampire gaze offers you a lot of dual leech and damage reduction, lightsabre will be your weapon of choice. It’s a very fast weapon with even more elemental damage, which is quite useful to us. Duress is an excellent armor early on and quite cheap to build! If you still can’t afford the Um rune, try to build Lionheart (Hel Lum Fal) instead as a temporary armor.

Versão intermediária:
• Vampire Gaze + Um or Nightwing’s Veil for more damage
• Ormus Robes 15/15/15 + Um
• Oath runeword – Shael Pul Mal Lum in ethereal cryptic sword 
• Arauto do Escudo de Zakarum + Um
• Cordão de orelhas Cinto
• Amuleto do espectro do senhorio
• Luvas de aperto de Dracul
• Anel raro com sanguessuga dupla + vida + str
• Anel Raven Frost com 20Dex / 200+ Ar
• Botas Gore Rider
• Call to Arms runeword (Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm) + Bo Spirit (Tal Thul Ort Amn)
• Tocha do Paladino

This build is solid enough to lead a few people though hell difficulty by yourself already! There won’t be any enemies you can’t face, you will just shred your way to hell diablo. You’ll deal enough damage to one hit pretty much every monster you decide to click on. Ormus Robes will increase your Cold, Fire, and Lightning damage by up to 15% each!! It’s an excellent choice to boost your damage! Oath will grant you lots of physical damage as well as attack speed while being indestructible, which is the best mod possible for melee characters. If you ever had a non-indestructible weapon as a melee champion, you’ll know the pain of constantly going back to town to repair your weapon.

Construção de nível superior:
• Crown of Ages with 2x Rainbowfacette of your choice
• Breath of the Dying runeword (Vex Hel El Eld Zod Eth) in eth Berserker Axe
• Chains of Honor runeword (Dol Um Ber Ist) in elite armor base
• Amuleto do espectro do senhorio #8217;
• Verdungo’s Hearty Cord 40 Vitality, 15 Damage Reduction, and 13 Liferep
• Luvas Steelrend 20 Str 60ed
• Exile runeword (Vex Ohm Ist Dol) in 4 socketed eth Vortex Shield with 45 all resistances 
• Aliança de Bul-Kathos com 5% Lifeleech
• Anel Raven Frost 20dex / 250ar
• Botas Gore Rider atualizadas
• Call to Arms 6/6/4 runeword (Amn Ral Mal Ist Ohm) + Bo Spirit (Tal Thul Ort Amn)
• Tocha do Paladino 20/20/5
• Annihilius 20/20/10
• As many 3 Max Dmg / 20 Ar / 20 Life or 20Life / 5res small charms as you can afford!

This build will add up everything you can dream of! Even in 8 player parties you will lead the way no matter what. There won’t be a single enemy in the game you can’t defeat. No monster will be immune to your damage, since you’re using almost every elemental damage source given by the game. You do have max resistances and superb damage!!


Elaboração do orçamento:
Ato 2 pesadelo dificuldade mercenário defensivo 
Olhar do vampiro
Treachery runeword (Shael Thul Lem) in ethereal elite base armor
Pedágio do Ceifador

Versão intermediária:
Ato 2 pesadelo dificuldade mercenário defensivo
Etérea Andariels Visage com uma jóia de 15ias / 30 de fogo
Pride runeword (Cham Sur Io Lo) in ethereal 4 socketed Colossus Voulge
Fortitude (El Sol Do Lo) em armadura etérea

Construção de nível superior:
Ato 1 arco mercenário com flecha de geada
Delirium runeword (Lem Ist Io) in 3s elite armor helmet
Fortitude runeword (El Sol Dol Lo) in eth elite armor base
Faith runeword (Ohm Jah Lem Eld) in diamond bow

There is only one thing you have to do: Click on the enemies!! Depending on your build you will just melt throw them like a hot knife through butter! There are some more items you can consider adding or switching in your build, foremost weapons: Last Wish (Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber) in a 6 socketed superior Phaseblade with 15ed / 3ar or Grief (Eth Tir Lo Mal Ral) in a 5 socketed superior Phaseblade with 15ed and 3ar. Both are excellent options you should consider if you don’t want to use Breath of the Dying.

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