Fortitude Archon Plate – 25-29 Res & 1-1.5 Life

최저가격 $0.55

All Resistances +25-29, 1-1.5 Life Per Character Level

The product below is an example:

Archon Plate


Defense: 1587

Durability: 60 of 60

Required Strength: 103

Required Level: 63

20% Chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck

+25% Faster Cast Rate

+300% Enhanced Damage

+200% Enhanced Defense

+15 Defense

+148 to Life (Based on Character Level)

Replenish Life +7

+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist

All Resistances +28

Damage Reduced by 7

12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

+1 to Light Radius

Socketed (4)

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El + Sol + Dol + Lo
4 Socket Weapon / Body Armor
Ladder Only Runeword

20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck
+25% Faster Cast Rate
+300% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
+50 To Attack Rating
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%
+200% Enhanced Defense
+X To Life (Based on Character Level)
All Resistances +25-30 (varies)
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+1 To Light Radius

Body Armor
20% Chance To Cast Level 15 Chilling Armor when Struck
+25% Faster Cast Rate
+300% Enhanced Damage
+200% Enhanced Defense
+15 Defense
+X To Life (Based on Character Level)
Replenish Life +7
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
All Resistances +25-30 (varies)
Damage Reduced By 7
12% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
+1 To Light Radius

While Fortitude can be made in a weapon, this almost never happens in reality. It is used almost exclusively as an armor for mercenaries and physical damage characters who do not want to use Enigma. The big selling point of Fortitude is the +300% enhanced damage which is the third largest source of off-weapon enhanced damage behind Phoenix and Pride.

Fortitude also adds a significant amount of survivability in the form of life and resistances. The +X To Life (Based on Character Level) modifier rolls between the following values:

+1 Life / Level
+1.125 Life / Level
+1.25 Life / Level
+1.375 Life / Level
+1.5 Life / Level

While defense is not usually a high priority in PvM, Fortitude provides an extremely high bonus which can dramatically decrease the probability of your character or mercenary being hit. Level 15 Chilling Armor gives a defense bonus of 115%.

• A perfect Fortitude Archon Plate has an armor value of 1668.
• A perfect Ethereal-Bugged Fortitude Sacred Armor has an armor value of 4065.

These bonuses are incredibly powerful useful on Paladins with Holy Shield and Barbarians with Iron Skin and Shout.

Most Act II Mercenaries choose between Fortitude and Treachery. This choice is largely dependent on the type of character and game content that the mercenary is designed for.

In most cases, Fortitude will provide higher damage output even at a lower IAS breakpoint – but this is not always the case:

• If the mercenary in question is being buffed by strong enhanced damage auras such as Concentration, Fortitude will represent a smaller percentage of the total damage the mercenary is dealing.
• In certain zones, the Fade proc from Treachery is essential because it provides reduced curse duration to counter Decrepify (specifically Chaos Sanctuary and the Throne of Destruction)

Nightmare Act II Mercenary (IAS Jewel)
Merc Helm: Ethereal Andariel’s Visage + 40 Enhanced Damage / 15 IAS Jewel
Merc Weapon: Ethereal Cryptic Axe Base
Merc Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Fortitude Sacred Armor

Act II Mercenary / Cryptic Axe / Jab
6.5 Frames = 22 IAS
6 Frames = 35 IAS
5.5 Frames = 56 IAS

Nightmare Act II Mercenary (Cham Rune)
Merc Helm: Ethereal Andariel’s Visage + Cham Rune
Merc Weapon: Ethereal Great Poleaxe Base
Merc Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Fortitude Sacred Armor

Act II Mercenary / Great Poleaxe / Jab
6.5 Frames = 9 IAS
6 Frames = 20 IAS
5.5 Frames = 37 IAS

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