Faith Crusader Bow

최저가격 $0.55

1-2 To All Skills
Level 12-15 Fanatacism Aura When Equipped”

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Ohm + Jah + Lem + Eld
4 Socket Missile Weapon
Ladder Only Runeword

Level 12-15 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped (varies)
+1-2 To All Skills (varies)
+330% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target’s Defense
300% Bonus To Attack Rating
+75% Damage To Undead
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
+120 Fire Damage
All Resistances +15
10% Reanimate As: Returned
75% Extra Gold From Monsters

Faith is one of two potential weapon choices for the end-game Bowazon and also the weapon of choice for Act I Mercenaries.

Bowazons usually have to choose between Faith and Windforce. This is actually an extremely close comparison where Windforce wins slightly in terms of damage output at higher levels:

Assuming a standard Bowazon setup at level 99 using Fortitude and an inventory of 10 Max Damage Grand Charms and 3 Max Damage Small Charms:

Faith Grand Matron Bow

Base Damage: 62-320 (191 Avg)
+Max Damage from Items and Charms: 145
+Min Damage from Items: 15
% Enhanced Damage from Auras: 548
% Enhanced Damage from Items: 420
Estimated Dexterity: 565

(1180-7128) Estimated Damage with Standard Attack
4154 Average

Windforce + 40 Enhanced Damage / 15 IAS Jewel

Base Damage: 39-574 (306.5 Avg)
+Max Damage from Items and Charms: 145
+Min Damage from Items: 15
% Enhanced Damage from Auras: 144
% Enhanced Damage from Items: 420
Estimated Dexterity: 535

(593-7901) Estimated Damage with Standard Attack
4247 Average

As demonstrated by the calculations, at level 99 with perfect gear, Windforce outperforms Faith in damage output by approximately 2%. However, since Windforce scales from character level, Faith will be stronger for lower level characters. However, there are several other factors to consider:

Standard Attack / Grand Matron Bow OR Hydra Bow / Level 15 Fanaticism
9 Frames = 22 IAS
8 Frames = 46 IAS
7 Frames = 92 IAS

In order to get to the fastest attack speed breakpoint, 92 IAS is necessary from items. Windforce contributes 35 IAS when socketed with a jewel whereas Faith has no built-in IAS which places severe item restrictions on the build. Generally, Faith users must use a 45 IAS helm, 20 IAS amulet (The Cat’s Eye or Highlord’s Wrath), 20 IAS gloves (Laying of Hands) and a 10 IAS belt (Nosferatu’s Coil). Windforce users on the other hand have the option of using Atma’s Scarab for Amplify Damage and Razortail for 100% Chance to Pierce.

A second factor is difference in mercenary choices. Windforce builds rely on an Act I mercenary to provide them with Fanaticism while Faith builds use the customary Act II mercenary with either Pride or The Reaper’s Toll. Amplify Damage has higher damage potential than either of these options but does not proc consistently. Act II mercenaries are also much better meat shields for your glass cannon character. Faith also has 10% Reanimate as: Returned which consumes a corpse to create a skeleton that will follow you for 60 seconds. Overall, Faith builds are arguably more consistent and easier to play.

Finally, the stats indicate that Windforce has higher base damage and Faith builds offer more enhanced damage through auras. This means that Windforce will scale significantly better in parties where other players are providing enhanced damage auras.

Act I Mercenaries are able to equip Faith bows as long as the base is not Amazon-Only. This mercenary build is exclusively used for the increased attack speed that Fanaticism Aura provides – otherwise, an Act II Might Aura Mercenary would offer more enhanced damage. The standard build for this mercenary is:

Normal Act I Rogue (Cold Arrow)
Merc Helm: Ethereal Andariel’s Visage + 30 Fire Resistance / 15 IAS Jewel
Merc Weapon: Faith Crusader Bow
Merc Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Fortitude Archon Plate

Act I Mercenary / Crusader Bow / Standard Attack / Level 15 Fanaticism
10 Frames = 16 IAS
9 Frames = 35 IAS
8 Frames = 70 IAS

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