Druid Elemental 163+% FCR & 99 FHR + Merc


WEAPON: Suicide Branch
ARMOR: Enigma Mage Plate (MP)
SHIELD: Spirit 35%
RING 1: 10% FCR
RING 2: 10% FCR
HELM: Pelt +5-6 Nado
BELT: Arachnid
BOOTS: Sandstorm

SWITCH: CTA Crystal Sword 4-5 Bo + Spirit Monarch 25-29%FCR

1x Annihilus 17-19/17-19
1x Druid Torch 17-19/17-19
9x Druid Summoning Skills GC (plain)
10x Small Charms 20 To Life

Weapon: Ethereal Infinity Cryptic Axe
Armor: Ethereal Bugged Fortitude Archon Plate
Helm: Ethereal Andariel�s Visage

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Druid Elemental – Tornado gear with 163% FCR and 99% FHR (10 items + CTA/Spirit switch). You need to use appropriate charms and/or jewels/runes to reach described FHR breakpoint

Equippable at 33-89 level.
You may request minor changes (replace up to 3 items with similarly priced alternatives).

163+% FCR
99% FHR (75% Base)
FCR 4 10 19 30 46 68 99 163
FHR 3 7 13 19 29 42 63 99 174

20 Tornado
20 Hurricane
20 Cyclone Armor
20 Twister
20 Oak Sage
1+ Summon Grizzly or Dire Wolf

Strength: enough to equip gear
Dexterity: nothing
Vitality: everything else
Energy: nothing

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