Breath of the Dying Colossus Blade – Ethereal – 400-414% ED

Variables: 400-414% Enhanced Damage, 12-15% life leech.

The product below is an example:
Breath of the Dying

Colossus Blade


Two-Hand Damage: 435 to 860

Required Dexterity: 78

Required Strength: 142

Required Level: 69

Sword Class – Very Fast Attack Speed

50% Chance to cast level 20 Poison Nova when you Kill an Enemy


+60% Increased Attack Speed

+400% Enhanced Damage

-25% Target Defense

+50 to Attack Rating

+200% Damage to Undead

+50 to Attack Rating against Undead

7% Mana stolen per hit

15% Life stolen per hit

Prevent Monster Heal

+30 to all Attributes

+1 to Light Radius

Requirements -20%

Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (6)

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Breath of the Dying

Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth
6 Socket Weapons
Patch 1.10 Runeword

50% Chance To Cast Level 20 Poison Nova When You Kill An Enemy
+60% Increased Attack Speed
+350-400% Enhanced Damage (varies)
+200% Damage To Undead
-25% Target Defense
+50 To Attack Rating
+50 To Attack Rating Against Undead
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
12-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
+30 To All Attributes
+1 To Light Radius
Requirements -20%

Breath of the Dying is one of the most damaging weapons in the game and provides a collection of very well-rounded stats. It is one of the strongest weapon choices for single player but not online. Unfortunately, Breath of the Dying’s damage output pales in comparison to Grief when made in one-handed weapons which is the main reason that it isn’t commonly used on most melee characters.

Perfect Ethereal Breath of the Dying Berserker Axe
185-545 (365 avg)

Perfect Grief Phase Blade
435-440 Weapon Damage (437.5 avg)
20% Deadly Strike (525 modified avg)
Breath of the Dying will put out 30% less damage on most builds and the margin is even larger versus Demons.

When it comes to 2-Handed weapons, Breath of the Dying starts to close the distance with other options:

Perfect Ethereal Breath of the Dying War Pike
252-1375 (813.5 avg)

Perfect Ethereal Breath of the Dying Ghost Spear
139-1194 (666.5 avg)

Perfect Death Colossus Sword
455-905 Weapon Damage (680 avg)
49.5% Deadly Strike (1016.6 modified avg)
50% Chance of Crushing Blow

This simple damage comparison suggests that Breath of the Dying will probably still lose out in raw damage to Death on most characters. Although it will reach a higher IAS breakpoint naturally, this stat can be obtained from many other item slots. The exception would be characters like a Jab / Fend Amazon who naturally has extremely high Critical Strike Chance.

This leads to the conclusion Breath of the Dying is best used as an Act II mercenary weapon for builds that do not rely on Infinity, Pride or The Reaper’s Toll and who do not want to shatter corpses (Goldfind Barbarians, Bone Necromancers etc.) The following are effective end-game setups:

Helm: Guillaume’s Face + Cham Rune
Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Treachery Sacred Armor
Weapon: Ethereal Breath of the Dying Ghost Spear

Act II Mercenary / Ghost Spear / Jab
5 Frames = 63 IAS
4.5 Frames = 105 IAS
4 Frames = 200 IAS

Helm: Guillaume’s Face + Cham Rune
Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Fortitude Sacred Armor
Weapon: Ethereal Breath of the Dying War Pike

Act II Mercenary / War Pike / Jab
6.5 Frames = 37 IAS
6 Frames = 54 IAS
5.5 Frames = 80 IAS

MERCENARY SETUP 3 (Level 9+ Fanaticism Aura Available)
Helm: Ethereal Artisan’s Diadem of Wealth or Ethereal Artisan’s Diadem of Atlas + 3x 40 Enhanced Damage / 15 IAS Jewel
Armor: Ethereal-Bugged Treachery Sacred Armor
Weapon: Ethereal Breath of the Dying War Pike

Act II Mercenary / War Pike / Jab / Level 9 Fanaticism
5 Frames = 44 IAS
4.5 Frames = 78 IAS
4 Frames = 147 IAS < Maximum Reached

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