Oro Trova Barb Build Ali Baba & #8217; s

A partire dal $10.60

ARMATURA: Ricchezza MP
ARMI: 2 x Ali Baba con 4 Lem

AMULET: Raro / realizzato con GF
ANELLO 1: Dwarfstar
ANELLO 2: Dwarfstar
HELM: Immortal King & #8217; s Will con 2 Lem
CINTURA: Goldwrap
GUANTI: Chance Guards 35 + %
STIVALI: infernostride

INTERRUTTORE 1: 2 x Stick +3 BO
SWITCH 2: Edge Bow (per il gioco d'azzardo)

1x Annihilus casuale
1x torcia barbarica 10-16 / 10-16
10x 7 e Magic Find SC (Plain)

Arma: Ethereal Insight Colossus Voulge � 12-16 Med
Armatura: Eth Bugged Fortitude Archon Plate
Elmo: Andariel's Visage

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Barb Gold Finder gear with 2 Ali Baba (10 items + BO and Edge RW switch).
This is a zero dmg build so you need a strong mercenary to do the killing for you (check recommendations below). If you equip appropriate runes and charms, you will reach around 2500% GF and 450% MF.

– You will farm Hell Travincal Council (Item Find on corpses) then use gold for gamble (luck is based on character level so you want to be at least level 93).
– Your merc does all the killing (your MF + GF will add up to his), you just stun and debuff.
– Each Hell run takes about 5 minutes and you will get around 700k gold.

Equippable at 15-70 level.
È possibile richiedere modifiche minori (sostituire fino a 3 articoli con alternative a prezzi simili).

0% FCR
0% FHR

ARMATURA: Ricchezza MP
ARMI: 2 x Ali Baba con 4 Lem
INTERRUTTORE 1: 2 x Stick +3 BO
SWITCH 2: Edge Bow (per il gioco d'azzardo)
AMULET: Raro / realizzato con GF
ANELLO 1: Dwarfstar
ANELLO 2: Dwarfstar
HELM: Immortal King & #8217; s Will con 2 Lem
CINTURA: Goldwrap
GUANTI: Chance Guards 35 + %
BOOTS: Infernostride or Rare with GF

FCR 9 20 37 63 105 200
FHR 7 15 27 48 86 200

20 Find Item
20 Battle Orders
20 Shout
20 Battle Cry
xx War Cry
xx Leap
5+ Natural Resist
1+ Increased Speed
1 Battle Command

Forza: abbastanza per equipaggiare gli attrezzi
Dexterity: enough to equip gear
Vitalità: tutto il resto
Energia: niente

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