Halál Ettin Ax & #8211; Éterikus és #8211; 300-385% ED

Tól től $1.85

300-385% fokozott károk
Éterikus [nem javítható]

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Hel + El + Vex + Ort + Gul
5 Socket Swords / Axes
Csak létra Runeword

100% Chance To Cast Level 44 Chain Lightning When You Die
25% Chance To Cast Level 18 Glacial Spike On Attack
+300-385% Enhanced Damage (varies)
20% támadási bónusz
+50 To Attack Rating
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
Találat szerint ellopott 7% Mana
50% zúzás valószínűsége
+(0.5 per Character Level) 0.5-49.5% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
+1 a fény sugara felé
Level 22 Blood Golem (15 Charges)
Követelmények -20%

Death is a very powerful endgame Runeword that competes with Grief in a few select builds. It provides a huge boost to both Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike which makes it a good option for Unique-Hunting, Act Bosses and Ubers. Unlike Grief, Death is dependent on enhanced damage so it must be made in a high-damage base. Superior Ethereal bases are ideal since Death comes with indestructibility. Death’s biggest weakness is a lack of Increased Attack Speed which makes it somewhat tricky to build around. It is most commonly used by Frenzy Barbarians.

Death Ettin Axe / Death Ettin Axe / Level 26+ Frenzy / Level 15 Fanaticism (Faith)
6 Frames = 6 IAS
5.5 Frames = 22 IAS
5 Frames = 48 IAS < Optimal Performance

Death Colossus Sword / Grief Phase Blade / Level 26+ Frenzy
6.5 Frames = 8 IAS
6 Frames = 22 IAS
5.5 Frames = 42 IAS < Optimal Performance
5 Frames = 78 IAS

It is worth noting that although Grief deals more damage, Death provides a significant boost to survivability. Glacial Spikes can reliably freeze enemies and prevent them from surrounding you.

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