Ciseaux du chaos Suwayyah


Variables: 290-340% Dommages améliorés

Le produit ci-dessous est un exemple:
le chaos

Ciseaux Suwayyah

& #8216; FalohmUm & #8217;

Dommage d'une main: 176 à 224

Durabilité: 68 sur 68

(Assassin seulement)

Dextérité requise: 118

Force requise: 118

Niveau requis: 64

Classe de griffe & #8211; Vitesse d'attaque très lente

9% Chance de jouer le niveau 11 Orbe gelé en frappe

11% Chance de jouer le niveau 9 Coup chargé lors de la frappe

+ 35% Augmentation de la vitesse d'attaque

+ 340% Dégâts améliorés

Ajoute 216-471 dégâts magiques

25% Risque de plaies ouvertes

+1 au tourbillon

+10 à la force

+15 points de vie après chaque démon tué

Pochette (3)

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SKU: 6021 Catégorie:
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La description

le chaos

Fal + Ohm + Um
3 Socket Claws
Patch 1.10 Mot runique

9% Chance To Cast Level 11 Frozen Orb On Striking
11% Chance To Cast Level 9 Charged Bolt On Striking
+ 35% Augmentation de la vitesse d'attaque
+290-340% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Adds 216-471 Magic Damage
25% Risque de plaies ouvertes
+1 To Whirlwind
+10 en force
+15 Life After Each Demon Kill

Chaos is used by Ghost and Hybrid assassins in PvP. It gives the assassin a strong source of melee damage (whirlwind) to accompany the rest of its toolkit. Whirlwind is quite effective in PvP, especially against casters, but does not match up well against Whirlwind Barbarians.

A standard PvP setup uses a Chaos Suwayyah as the primary weapon (above boots) and a pair of Feral Claws with a fools modifier as the secondary weapon (above gloves). Since the removal of auto-wsm bugging, players must manually set their Chaos claw to be the primary weapon each time they start a new game, perform a weapon switch or pick up their corpse. This is a simple matter of un-equipping and immediately re-equipping your Feral Claws (double click them).

Augmentation des points d'attaque de la vitesse d'attaque

Whirlwind / Feral Claws (Secondary) / Suwayyah (Primary) / Weapon IAS 40/35
4 Frames = 8 IAS < Maximum Reached

Trap Laying / Feral Claws (Secondary) / Suwayyah (Primary)
11 Frames = 5 IAS
10 Frames = 20 IAS
9 Frames = 42 IAS < Optimal Performance

Outside of PvP, whirlwind assassins are relatively weak. Their damage output is quite low compared to most mainstream PvM builds and Whirlwind does not actually proc the %Chance to Cast Frozen Orb or Charged Bolt.

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