Crescent Moon Balrog -terä & #8211; Eteerinen & #8211; 180 - 209% ED

180-209% Enhanced Damage
Eteerinen [ei voi korjata]

Tämä tuote on tällä hetkellä varastossa. Varastossamme päivitetään päivittäin, joten tarkista 24 tunnin sisällä. Voit myös muuttaa palvelinta verkkosivuston vasemmassa yläkulmassa nähdäksesi tämän tuotteen saatavuuden muilla palvelimilla.

SKU: 2167 Kategoria: Tunnisteet: , ,
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Shael + Um + Tir
3 Socket Axes / Swords / Polearms
Patch 1.10 Runeword

10% Chance To Cast Level 17 Chain Lightning On Striking
7% Chance To Cast Level 13 Static Field On Striking
+ 20% Lisää hyökkäysnopeutta
+180-220% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ohita kohteen ja #8217: n puolustus
-35% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
25% avointen haavojen mahdollisuus
+9-11 Magic Absorb (varies)
+2 Manalle jokaisen tapon jälkeen
Level 18 Summon Spirit Wolf (30 Charges)

Crescent Moon has two main uses:

It is the best-in-slot weapon for mid-to-high budget lightning sorceresses. This is due to the mechanics behind monster immunities. When a monster is immune to lightning (>99% Lightning Resistance), sorceresses rely on Infinity to break that immunity. However, when breaking immunities, Conviction aura only functions at 20% effectiveness. This means that Infinity will only reduce the monster’s resistances by 17 instead of the usual 85.

A monster with 100% Lightning Resistance (almost all relevant immunes) will only take 17% regular damage. As a result, the PvM efficiency of a lightning sorceress is essentially bottlenecked by immune monsters. Once an immunity is broken however, -% Enemy Lightning Resistance from gear will apply with 100% effectiveness. Crescent Moon alone adds another 35% lightning damage taken which effectively triples your damage output (this is the same reason that Griffon’s Eye is best-in-slot).
Crescent Moon is also used as a budget option for melee characters:

Dual-wielding Barbarians can pair Crescent Moon with a high-damage weapon. The 7% Chance to Cast Static Field gives them some AOE potential. Unfortunately, weapon procs do not work with whirlwind.

Holy Shock Zeal Paladins can also take advantage of the -35% Enemy Lightning Resistance and Static Field on Crescent Moon.


Zeal / Phase Blade
5/5/5/5/10 Frames = 13 IAS
5/5/5/5/9 Frames = 24 IAS
5/5/5/5/8 Frames = 54 IAS
4/4/4/4/8 Frames = 72 IAS

A low budget build can reach the final IAS breakpoint using a pair of 20 IAS gloves and Treachery.

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