Bugged and Hacked D2R 2.8 items
15.03.2022 - 17:25:32
Diablo 2: Resurrected , Game Guides , Gameplay Guides , Item Guides
Overview of Diablo 2's Bugged Items
The history of bugged items
Diablo 2 has seen a lot of bugged items throughout the 20 years of its existence but the vast majority of them came into existence on closed battle.net during a relatively short period of time. Specifically between 29th of June 2001 and 28th of October 2003. The former date marks the 1.08 patch and the latter the 1.10 patch. During this time period you had 08 uniques, Iths, Whites, Zod Bugged Eths, Mephisto Fused Uniques, Uploads/Imports, Hybrid Runewords, and a host of other nominally bugged D2 items. After their initial inception, all of these items were of course duped and the few that survived beyond the 1.10 patch and any subsequent purges were further duped leaving any perm ones vastly outnumbered by unperms.
In this article we will attempt to go through the whole lot of them and provide as accurate information as possible. Needless to say, all these bugged items are on non ladder mode so we will omit this information in the realm specification for each item.
"Legit" Pre Patch Items
These items were all theoretically possible to obtain through normal play at some point in time and, while not bugged or hacked in terms of stats, they were massively duped by many different people on many different occasions. It is even speculated that some of the original ones were imported from open battle.net and that they managed to stay under Blizzard's radar thanks to their legitimate stats. Pretty much all in existence today are dupes but not all of them are unperm. The reason for this is that some were duped before Diablo 2 items were given unique id numbers in patch 1.10. Unfortunately, you can not tell the difference until it goes poof.
Classic Rares
Many great "pre 07 patch" classic D2 rares were duped and transferred to expansion with presently impossible stats such as 20fhr boots, 20fcr amulets, 15 all resistances / 50 specific resistance rings, -40% lower requirements etc. Below are listed the most iconic ones of these.
Imp Shanks
Real name: Imp Shank Boneweave Boots
Rarity: Rare
Realms: USWest
Description: Iconic D2 Classic rare boots that everyone seems to remember.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Defense: 59
Durability: 16
Required Strength: 118
Required Level: 54
+30% Faster Run/Walk
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
+18 To Strength
Lightning Resist +49%
Fire Resist +35%
Poison Resist +22%
Armageddon Fletch
Real name: Armageddon Fletch
Rarity: Rare
Realms: USEast
Description: A famous rare amulet with 20fcr that hails from D2 classic.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
+2 To Sorceress Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
+18 To Strength
+55 To Life
+59 To Mana
All Resistances +23
Viper Eye
Real name: Viper Eye Ring.
Rarity: Rare.
Realms: Europe.
Description: A rare ring from D2 Classic with insane lightning resistance.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Required Level: 46
+3 To Minimum Damage
+118 To Attack Rating
6% Life Stolen Per Hit
Cold Resist +15%
Lightning Resist +63%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist +15%
+1 To Light Radius
Pre Patch Uniques
These uniques originally dropped with far better stats than today. Fortunately, the nerfing applied in various patches did not affect already dropped items and thanks to duping some of them remain with us to this day
1.08 Arreat's Face
Also known as: 08 Arreats
Real name: Arreat's Face Slayer Guard.
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This helm had very different stats before the 1.09 patch.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Defense: 151
Durability: 55
Required Strength: 118
Required Level: 42
+1 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+ 0.625 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
-15 Target Defense
+25% Enhanced Defense
+30 To Life
1.08 Azurewrath
Also known as: 08 Azurewrath
Real name: Azurewrath Crystal Sword
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This sword actually had worse stats before the 1.09 patch so it is mostly a rare and odd collector's item.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
One-Hand Damage: 11-48
Durability: 45
Required Strength: 43
Required Level: 18
+120% Enhanced Damage
Adds 5-10 Magic Damage
50% Deadly Strike
10% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Item
Bug Belt
Also known as: Bbelt or bb.
Real name: Siggard's Stealth Vampirefang Belt.
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This belt went under the name Nosferatu's Coil up until patch 1.10 when all in existence on CBN realms were renamed to Siggard's Stealth and a new Nosferatu's Coil with inferior stats started dropping in its place.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Defense: 54
Durability: 14
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 51
+1 To All Skills
+10% Increased Attack Speed
Piercing Attack
5% Mana Stolen Per Hit
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
Slows Target By 10%
+15 To Strength
+25 To Dexterity
All Resistances +20
Damage Reduced By 20%
+2 To Mana After Each Kill
+3 To Light Radius
1.08 Gore Rider
Also known as: 08 Gores
Real name: Gore Rider War Boots
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: These boots had bonus to maximum damage in 08.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Defense: 89
Durability: 24
Required Strength: 94
Required Level: 47
+30% Faster Run/Walk
+10 To Maximum Damage
15% Deadly Strike
+65% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -25%
1.08 Highlord's Wrath
Also known as: 08 Highlords
Real name: Highlord's Wrath Amulet
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: In 08 this amulet had 15% faster run/walk instead of 20% increased attack speed.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Required Level: 65
+1 To All Skills
+15% Faster Run/Walk
Adds 15-20 Lightning Damage
0.375% Deadly Strike (Based On Character Level)
Lightning Resist 35%
1.08 Valkyrie Wing
Also known as: 08 Valk
Real name: Valkyrie Wing Winged Helm
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This helm had very different stats in 08. No skill bonus but the other boosts are considerable to say the least.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value: Stats:
Defense: 123
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 115
Required Level: 63
+30% Faster Run/Walk
+30% Increased Attack Speed
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
+35 Defense
1.08 Vampire Gaze
Also known as: 08 Gaze
Real name: Vampire Gaze Grim Helm
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This helm had its impressive 25% damage reduction reduced to the 15-20% range in patch 1.09.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes. At least on USeast.
Price / Worth / Value: 500 USD if perm.
Defense: 252
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 58
Required Level: 58
8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
8% Life Stolen Per Hit
+100% Enhanced Defense
15% Slower Stamina Drain
Damage Reduced By 25%
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
1.08 Windforce
Also known as: 08 WF
Real name: Windforce Hydra Bow
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia.
Description: This bow had better dexterity bonus in 08 than in 09.
Price / Worth / Value: 500 USD if perm.
Two-Hand Damage: 35 To (241-547)
Required Dexterity: 167
Required Strength: 134
Required Level: 73
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+250% Enhanced Damage
+3.125 To Maximum Damage (Based On Character Level)
8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+35 To Dexterity
Heal Stamina Plus 30%
Small Magic Charms
Real name: Shimmering Small Charm of Inertia
Rarity: Magic
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia
Description: Before the 1.10 patch the inertia suffix gave a whooping +5% faster run/walk on small charms.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Required Level: 27
+5% Faster Run/Walk
+5 To All Resistance
451 PSN SC
Real name: Pestilent Small Charm of Anthrax
Rarity: Magic
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe, Asia
Description: Before the 1.10 patch small charms could have the Pestilent prefix that combined with the Anthrax suffix gave a whooping 451 posion damage over 12 seconds. To be compared with Toxic Small Charm of Anthrax that weights in at only 313 poison damage over 11 seconds.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Required Level: 80
451 Poison Damage Over 12 Seconds
1.08 Cat Eye amulet
1.08 Harlequin Crest Shako
Open Battle.net Imports / Uploads
Prior to April/May 2002 hackers were able to get players from open battle.net into bugged games on closed battle.net. The open character could come in to game, drop the item, and leave without detection. The exploit was sealed after Blizzard was tipped off but it was not until 6 months later in early 2003 that it came to Blizzard's attention that open items had been transferred to closed battle.net. Subsequently most but not all of them were deleted. Most if not all of these items would have been transferred during v1.09.
Bug Mana
Also known as: Bmana, or 70mana/15life small charms
Real name: Fine Small Charm of Decrepify
Rarity: Magic
Realms: USEast
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Required Level: 24
+15 To Life
+70 To Mana
Bug Tals
Also known as: Btals, Bug Tal, Btal, bt, or Bugged Tals Armor.
Real name: Tal Rasha's Laquered Plate
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe
Description: This is an armor with the physical appearance and name of Tal Rasha's Laquered Plate but with completely different stats.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Stats: Defense: 919
Durability: 55
Required Strength: 84
Required level: 71
+2 To All Skills
+25% Faster Run/Walk
+400 Defense
All Resistances +40
Damage Reduced By 25%
Magic Damage Reduced By 15
Requirements: -60%
Constricting Ring
Rarity: Unique
Realms: USEast, USWest, Europe
Description: A unique item that actually existed in the game files but was never dropable.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Required Level: 95
Drain Life -10
+15 To Maximum Fire Resist
+15 To Maximum Cold Resist
+15 To Maximum Lightning Resist
+15 To Maximum Poison Resist
All Resistances +100
100% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Hex Charm
Also known as: Hexing Charms or Hexes.
Real name: Hexing Small Charm of Immolating Arrow.
Rarity: Magic.
Realms: USWest, Europe.
Description: Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Required Level: 42
+90 To Strength
+90 To Dexterity
+90 To Vitality
King's Jewel
Real name: King's Jewel of Blazing.
Rarity: Magic.
Realms: USEast.
Description: Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Item Level 48.
Required Level 48.
+1 To All Skills
All Resistances +25
22% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
Oculus Soj
Also known as: Occy Soj, Occy Ring, or Oculus Ring.
Real name: Stone of Jordan Ring.
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: USEast, USWest
Description: This is a ring with the stats of the unique orb The Oculus Swirling Crystal with the notable exception that the USWest version of the ring had faster cast rate and strength while the USEast version had faster block rate and energy. Something that conclusively proves that the ring was transferred from open bnet rather than being created through the Mephisto fusing bug as has been touted by ignorant people.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Stats USEast:
Required Level: 29
25% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck
+3 To Sorceress Skill Levels
30% Faster Block Rate
+20% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Vitality
+20 To Energy
All Resistances +20
+3 To Mana After Each Kill
50% Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Stats USWest:
Required Level: 29
25% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck
+3 To Sorceress Skill Levels
30% Faster Cast Rate
+20% Enhanced Defense
+20 To Strength
+20 To Vitality
All Resistances +20
+3 To Mana After Each Kill
50% Chance Of Getting Magic Items
Snatchii's Gloves
Also known as: Bug Gloves, Paladin Bug Gloves, Steelclash Gloves.
Real name: Snatchii's Steel Clash Chain Gloves.
Rarity: Unique.
Realms: Europe.
Description: Very effective for any Paladin.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Defense: 37
Durability: 35
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 17
+1 To Paladin Skill Levels
20% Faster Block Rate
25% Increased chance of blocking
+75% Enhanced Defense
+20 Defense
All Resistances +15
Damage Reduced By 3
+3 To Light Radius
White Gloves
Also known as: STR Gloves
Real name: Ogre Gauntlets
Rarity: Normal
Realms: USWest
Description: White gloves with insane stats originating from open bnet. Extremely popular while they were still around on closed bnet.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Defense: 62
Durability: 24
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 64
100% Increased Attack Speed
100% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 63-127 Damage
15% Life Stolen Per Hit
+90 To Dexterity
+90 To Vitality
All Resistances +100
White Ring
Real name: Ring.
Rarity: Normal.
Realms: USEast, USWest.
Description: White rings originating from open Bnet with no requirements and insane stats. Extremely popular while they were still around on closed bnet.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
100% Faster Run/Walk
100% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 63-127 Damage
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
Fire Absorb 95%
Lightning Absorb 95%
Cold Absorb 95%
Bugged War Traveller (bug WT)
Bugged Arky
Bugged Vampire Gaze
Bugged Occu (The Oculus)
Bugged Stormshield
Bugged String of Ears
Bugged Windforce
Ith Bugged Colossus Blade
Mephisto Fused Uniques
The Mephisto loot table was, and perhaps still is, bugged and in the rare event that 2 unique items dropped at the same time they would sometimes fuse so that the final item had the stats and name of one and equipment slot of the other
Atma's Wail Boots
Undead Crown Ring
Real name: Undead Crown Ring
Rarity: Unique
Realms: USEast
Description: A unique ring with the stats of the unique Undead Crown Crown.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): Yes.
Price / Worth / Value:
Wizzy Armor
Also known as: Wiz Armor.
Realm name: Wizard Spike Leather Armor or Wizardspike Hard Leather Armor (upgraded).
Rarity: Unique
Realms: USWest
Still in existence (as of v1.14D):
Wizzy Gloves
Also known as: Wiz Gloves.
Real name: Wizardspike Light Gauntlets.
Rarity: UniqueRealms: USEast, USWest
Description: These are Light Gauntlets with the stats of the unique Wizardspike dagger. Any build that needs faster cast rate could slap these on to gain huge bonuses.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D): No.
Wizzy Ring
Also known as: Wiz ring
Real name: Wizardspike Ring
Rarity: Unique
Realms: Europe
Description: A unique ring with the stats of the unique Wizardspike dagger.
Still in existence (as of v1.14D):
Fused Runewords
Fused runewords came to existence later in our timeline. We lack information of how these word created, but a lot of dual-runewords appeared, the only criteria being that both runewords have to fit in the same number sockets and item type.
Grief of Doom
Beast of Doom
Grief of Destruction
Exile of Spirit
Faith of Ice
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