Ice Hydra Bow

Fra $0.55

140-210% Forbedret skade

Produktet herunder er et eksempel:

Hydra Bow

& #8216; AmnShaelJahLo & #8217;

To-hånds skade: 31 til 210

Påkrævet fingerfærdighed: 167

Krævet styrke: 134

Påkrævet niveau: 65

Bow Class & #8211; Meget hurtig angrebshastighed

100% Chance to cast level 40 Blizzard, når du Level-Up

25% Chance to cast level 22 Frost Nova på strejke

Niveau 18 Holy Freeze Aura når udstyret

+ 20% Forøget angrebshastighed

+ 210% Forbedret skade

Ignorer mål & #8217; s forsvar

+ 30% til Cold Skill Damage

7% Liv stjålet pr. Hit

-20% til fjende mod kold modstand

20% Deadly Strike

309% ekstra guld fra monstre (baseret på karakterniveau)

Stikkontakt (4)

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Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo
4 Socket Missile Weapon
Ladder Only Runeword

100% Chance To Cast Level 40 Blizzard When You Level-up
25% Chance To Cast Level 22 Frost Nova On Striking
Niveau 18 Holy Freeze Aura når udstyret
+ 20% Forøget angrebshastighed
+140-210% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignorer mål & #8217; s forsvar
+25-30% To Cold Skill Damage (varies)
-20% To Enemy Cold Resistance
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Deadly Strike
3.125-309.375 Extra Gold From Monsters (Based on Character Level)

Ice is the weapon of choice for the infamous Frostmaiden build (Freezing Arrow Amazon). While it isn’t a top tier PvM build due to the low damage output, it is still able to solo hell content reasonably well. Ice lives up to its name by dramatically amplifying cold damage and providing a huge amount of crowd control.

Ice can also be used as an Act I mercenary weapon.

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